Travelling to an exotic location is extremely expensive, but that does not mean your food breaks have to be expensive as well!
If you are trying to escape the world and all you are doing is thinking about fresh Kosher Food all the time, then the entire experience becomes an unpleasant one. You can always find a restaurant where Kosher Meals are served, but the entire process of finding a good restaurant and eating there can be tiring and costly, that is why Emuna provides its special Travel Meals for all types of travelers!
Whether you are on a vacation or some business trip, Emuna offers Kosher Travel Meals for making your trip pleasant and bright! Our In-flight Catering Services make your journey beyond special and acts as an extra perk!
From Glatt Kosher Meatballs & Spaghetti to Kosher Cheese Ravioli, we have it all.
So all you travelers, you don’t have to compromise at all, with convenient heating options our Kosher Travel Meals are here to make your experience beyond beautiful!
Have a look at the Kosher Travel Menu options available for you!